Thursday, April 26, 2012


tom and i have been going in opposite directions lately.
one is coming home to be with the kids as the other is going to work.
or one is cleaning while the other is doing work on the computer.
we have also passed taking someone to practice while the other is hanging with jack.

but the other night, we got to sit and hang out.
it felt so nice to just sit. nothing fancy. and it was perfect.
we started talking about everything and nothing and the druthers of our days.

then we got on the subject of gratitude.
we talked for a while about how different our lives are from just four years ago.
it still amazes me at how things have changed so quickly...and yet it seems like so long ago.
tom was working crazy long hours and getting phone calls at all hours of the night.
i was working part time.
sam and louie were best buddies and sam was the only one playing sports.
i would run dad to random errands on monday mornings.

life has changed.
now, tom and i are both working more hours, but we are so much happier...
because of the last four years.

i have grown a few grey hairs,
had many sleepless nights,
and shed many tears.
no, i wasn't grateful enough four years ago,
but now, my heart swells...

my monkey. he likes to climb. he was making monkey sounds as he climbed today.

i rewarded him with a special trip to the park this morning...

and orange soda...because orange is his favorite color right now.

and an ice cream sandwich...well, because at 9:30am, who could ask for anything more?

after spending over an hour getting a hearing test done, we could both use a little fresh air!

it was the first time jack ever went with someone he didn't know.
and i had to wait.
he walked off happy as a clam to go explore and find their jungle room.
but when he came back, i got the biggest hug! ♥

all of this is in preparation for jack to be evaluated in the fall,
once his is three, for speech therapy.
yes, been there. done that. probably going back for round three.
and yet, with each boy, it doesn't get easier.
i don't know that i can fully put into words that feeling...

i was worried a few months ago because jack wasn't talking,
and now, the kid won't shut up.
sadly, you just can't understand all of the words pouring out of him!
i am so thankful that he has the same disposition as louie and sam,
he will continue repeating until he gets his point across...
even if it means taking your face in his hands and saying it up close...
he is my round three :)

take time to enjoy this beautiful day!

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