Monday, March 12, 2012


being a parent is hard work.
you're always tired.
you are always spending money...sports fees, school lunches, shoes...
you feel like there is never enough time to get everything done.

and then there are times when you feel like you don't have the answers or the words...
the ability to help your child understand the whys of this world.
it is so difficult when you don't understand it yourself.

when you have a reality check thrown in your lap, it stops everything.
you feel like you can't give them enough support to help them understand.
you are reminded to say "i love you" one more time before they walk out the door.
to kiss them on their forehead in front of their friends,
even when they think they are too big for it.
to hug them a bit tighter.
to love them unconditionally, always and forever....
trying to help them grow into their own person.
showing them the way...
down the path paved by those before them or creating their own path.

i know some may not understand this post.
and that is okay. i am writing it for those who need to hear these words.
and because i need to write them.

as a beautiful friend wrote, "if you are the praying type, offer them up, my friends."

prayers of peace, strength, love and hope.

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