Friday, March 18, 2011


yesterday i spent most of the day moving furniture and cleaning out the boys room... i had several offers to help me, but it was something i wanted to do myself. it's not that i didn't want help, it's more that i had two fears...

first, i was worried of all of the dust and dirty clothes that could be lingering behind their bunk beds. i think it's different when you see your house dirty and when others see it. it makes me wonder what the boys are really doing when i ask them to clean their room. i now think they shove it all under their bed and the crib! i also learned that the socks are not eaten by the washing machine, as originally thought, but instead taken off in the middle of the night and pushed behind the bed with everything else.

Jack helping...
amongst all of the socks, clothes, toys and dust bunnies there they were all snuggled together...something reminiscent of toy story. giraffe. angel. hippie. all of the boys lovies had fallen behind their bunk beds. and my second fear became reality...the thought of what i would find as i cleaned out their room. i had fears of finding old juice boxes or snacks...

instead i found their lovies. i am still tearing up. giraffe was sam's sleeping buddy for the first six years of his life. it makes me think of how fast they are growing up... these first nine years of being a mom have flown by so quickly. i can only imagine... i will blink and they'll be out on their own, hopefully... if you ask louie, he says he will live with me forever. at least he grabbed angel (the penguin) and took him to his new room as soon as he found him!

i was able to un-bunk the bunk beds and reassemble them in the basement as twin beds. we still need to tackle the crib, but jack is loving "his" room.

so as i sit here with my coffee, looking at the foosball table sharing the cramped space with our dining room table, i am reminded of how much we still need to do. a wise friend equated this transition to preparing for a baby. and yes, this is just like the nesting process you go through before a baby comes home from the hospital. and i want everything to be just right with the boys and their "boy cave" before dad comes home. and for that reason, we pushed back his arrival to early next week.

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