Monday, April 11, 2011

what a weekend!

do you ever have those weekends when you're happy to see monday because all you have to do is go to work and go to the grocery store and clean the house that you've neglected all weekend and catch up on the mound of laundry that may start talking to you at any moment in time if you don't touch it soon....

anyway, here's a few pictures from our fabulous weekend. it was filled with a the last 1.2 miles of the read, right, and run marathon for sam and louie. i am amazed at how fast the boys finished....sam ran a 12 minute mile and louie a 15 minute mile! i think louie would have been faster, had he not been turned around looking for his best bud, mr. b.


sam actually offered to tie louie's shoes this morning.
and sometimes when your weekend has gotten to be too much...just lay down and let it out...

so....i started this entry at 6:30 this morning...and it only took 10+ hours to finish...
only one quote comes to mind to summarize...
"just keep swimming, just keep swimming..." -dory from finding nemo

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful pictures of the boys - can't get over how big all of them are getting - they are such sweet young men! Sam and Louie did a great job! Can't wait to see you all - and loving this blog! You're the best, Lisa! Love you bunches!
